What if?
As this, the seventh anniversary of 9/11, an indisputable milestone in three living generations of US citizens unfolds, we’ll be subjected to what has become typical platitudes of slowly declining impact.
A tragic day it was for all who gathered around and were glued to the solitary office television as in my case. And its effects lingered. I’m not writing to relive or recreate that moment. I’m certain we’ll have enough of that today to put a razor-sharp point on the RNC backdrop of last week.
What you do on this anniversary is your personal choice.
Particularly in this political season, we have seen the memory resurrected for political gain … for the fourth national election cycle. This now mindless abuse of a memory saddens me almost more than the memory itself.
Days (and Weeks) Go By
We have Earth Day [4/22]. We’re bombarded by “Hallmark holidays” – rewarding as they are for some, obligatory or outright depressing for far too many more. No sweetheart? Parents passed on? Favorite admin assistant left your team?
We have, in modern times, the obscure ones like Arbor Day [4/25] and Presidents’ Day [2/18]. Does anyone not in the third grade really celebrate those two any longer?
More than that, we have National [INSERT RANDOM WORD OR PHRASE HERE] Day/Week, as decreed by Congress. Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day [4/29]; National Postal Service Workers Day [7/1]; National Library Workers Day [4/12, part of National Library Week: 4/10-16]; National Hurricane Preparedness Week [5/21-5/28] (Really? “National?” Even in eastern Montana?); National Tackling Drugs Week [5/19-5-23]; (Just one week? Whew!); National ADHD Awareness Week [9/14-20] (I forget. When is that, again?); National Eating Disorders Awareness Week [2/22-2/28]; and National County Government Week [4/6-4/12] are fine examples … of what?
Point made. Sarcasm put to rest.
What if?
What if US citizens stand together, if for only one day each year, this day marked in tragedy, this day in which our lifestyle was shattered like no time before since 1941, and invoke a No Advertising Day? What if we turn the tables on the Hallmark holidays and the river of otherwise unacknowledged dedication weeks and demand on this day not to be victimized by a barrage of endless TV drug ads, political posturing, website banner ads or pop ups, ”what’s new for the fall season” commercials, business process solutions, investment advice, the fast food carousel, customer service phone check-ins, junk mail (physical or electronic) or flashy pictures in magazines or newsprint?
What if we demanded, for one day in mid September, to go about our daily lives on this solitary day, this “9/11,” and reflect in our own way on our own personal condition and be thankful for what we have?
What if on this day we could reflect on the brain-seared images in a way and at a time of our choosing as opposed to seeing them played out over again. And what if …
What if on this day we enjoyed our family!!, called a loved one, acknowledged our lifelong friends, read a BOOK, watched our favorite TV show or newscast or movie, listened to our podcasts, played our X-Box or PS-3, reveled in our favorite symphony of whatever genre, or … just … plain … enjoyed … the … silence?
What if?
What if for this one day the peddlers of marketing, advertising and political spin just respected humanity, shut the hell up, and stayed silent?
This is why I like reading your writings... I sense a strong pull of humanity in your words. Thank you.
its my 9/11--
reflect, see, imagine , Change, live.
your 9/11 too.
If you thought for a second that American's would sanctify 9/11 as a day of mourning, then we should also remember Dec 8, 1941. FDR said it was a "date which will live in infamy." How many of us take pause on Dec 8. Not too many. I'm sure our parents and grandparents remember it well. I'd imagine if I'd ask my grandfather where he was when he heard the news of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, he'd know exactly where he was and what he was doing.
One thing I've noticed over the years is the generations previous to those of us in our 30's, tend to recount those memories with more remorse than the younger generations. I think it was because it mattered more to them. Today, we don't take things as serious unless it signifcantly impacts us with personal loss. Most people just don't give a rats ass is what I'm trying to say. There is a complete lack of compassion in this country. The who "we will never forget" thing after 9/11 was another falvor of the month thing to do to fit in. Put a magnet on your bumper? What?
Yesterday, at 7:46am, I found only one radio station in KC which was playing the President's address. Even NPR didn't take a moment of silence. That is crap. For me personally, I remembered the vision of fire fighters traversing the steps of the Towers as people were going down. The courage of such individuals is far and beyond what normal citizens can even fathom. Could you do it? I'm thankful there are people in this world who still have what it takes to put their life on the line for another person.
I got a bit off track...But, my point is, I agree with Mike, these National Day of "flavor of the moment.." is crap. Memorial Day should be more about a day of rememberence than a day when the retail engine has a big sale and we get a day off work. But, even so, why should we only remember on a particular day. Why not remember everyday and give thanks to those who have courageously gone before us?
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